应用干细胞治疗急性心肌梗死前景广阔。心肌细胞坏死后,由于无法再生,注射干细胞可能有起死回生之效。但我们必须谨慎行事,因为这一疗法还不成熟,心脏病学方面的干细胞治疗仍处于研究阶段。目前,我们仅明确心肌梗死和心力衰竭患者注射干细胞具有短期安全性,但长期安全性如何尚不得而知。 BOOST试验是第一项对照研究,显示干细胞注入6个月后患者射血分数有所增加,具有一定的益处,但18个月后显示无显著获益。一些研究也得出了干细胞治疗有效的数据,但所有研究结果并非一致。因此对于它的真实有效性人们仍存疑虑。并且医生不能只考虑每个患者6个月的获益情况,而应是他一生的获益。目前重要的研究方向是明确注射哪种类型的细胞,何处、何时注射,采取何种方式注射,由于这仍处于试验研究阶段,还需进一步的探索才能对所有患者应用干细胞治疗。 <International Circulation>: What improvements have been achieved on the stem cell therapy? Prof. Ferrari :As for the stem cell therapy in cardiology, I believe it is still a matter of study then. At the present time, we have established that we can safely inject stem cells into patients with myocardial infarction and heart failure. Its short term safety has been proved,but we don蒸 know yet about the long term safety. Some of the studies also produce the data on efficacy, but this is not the case in every study. Therefore there is still some doubt on the real efficacy. It is important to understand which type of cell to inject, how many, where, and how, so it is still a matter of experimental study. We have not yet reached the situation that we could use stem cell therapy in every patient. <International Circulation>: Is it hopeful for the AMI therapy in the future ? Prof. Ferrari :There is great hope and potential. Because when the cardiac cells die, they can蒸 be reproduced, so injecting stem cells, which will reproduce and will become cardiac cell, is fantastic, but we have to be careful, because we are not in the situation of using them so early. <International Circulation>: Please introduce the BOOST trial in short words. Prof. Ferrari :The BOOST trial is the first controlled trial, showing some benefits in terms of improvement of ejection fraction at 6 months but no benefits after the 18 months. You don蒸 treat every patient for benefit only at 6 months, but you should provide benefits for his whole life!
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