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作者:P.M.Nilsson|张宇清 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/6/20 11:38:00    加入收藏
 关键字:Navigator 巅峰对话 高血压 代谢综合征 整体治疗策略 

    Internation Circulation: For many years, you work in the studies related to the metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, type-2 diabetes and hypertension. Here in Norway you’ll be presenting a talk on‘Hypertension in diabetes - an update on treatment and blood pressure goals’during a joint ESH/EASH session. What your opinion on the present hypotension standard for patients with hypertension and diabetes? What is your point of departure?


    Peter Nilsson: Diabetes is quite a serious thing, it can provoke a lot of complications. The topic today is to define a blood pressure goal. According to the ESH we believe the systolic blood pressure should be well below 140 mmHg.According to the ADVANCE trial we know that we see benefits below 135 mmHg.  However, based on the ACCORD blood pressure trial there was no significant difference between a blood pressure goal below 120 mmHg versus lower than 140 mmHg,there was however a significant stroke reduction. So in countries such as China I guess stroke is a major problem and I would like to listen to the opinion of my Chinese colleagues.The European perspective now is that to go below 135 mmHg we don’t know the precise target. 

     Peter Nilsson教授:糖尿病是一个相当严重的问题,可以引发很多并发症。今天的主题是确定血压目标。根据ESH,我们认为收缩压应当远低于140 mm Hg。 根据ADVANCE试验,我们知道我们观察到低于135 mm Hg的获益。然而,基于ACCORD血压试验,低于120 mm Hg与低于140 mm Hg的血压目标之间无显著差异。 然而,卒中有显著减少。因此,在像中国这样我猜卒中是主要问题的国家里,我想要听听中国同行的看法。目前欧洲的观点是要低于135 mm Hg ,我们不知道确切的目标。

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用户:valen520 时间:2010/6/27 0:08:00
very good!think you。


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