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作者:B.Williams 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/6/28 11:33:53    加入收藏
 关键字:中心血压 心率 阿利吉仑 B.Williams 

    Bryan Williams 英国莱斯特大学 

   <International Circulation>: You have participated in a debate with Dr Laurent. There is another interesting debate on heart rate reduction in hypertension and whether it is beneficial or detrimental. What is your view?


    Prof.Williams: My issue is that most people with hypertension have stiff arteries and if you lower the heart rate, you increase drug volume and therefore you have the potential to limit the effectiveness of drugs lowering systolic blood pressure. I think in the elderly the evidence is pretty overwhelming that beta-blockers have been less effective at reducing stroke in particular and we think that is primarily related to their hemodynamic effect and they are less desirable drugs to use in older people. I think that therapeutic lowering of heart rate in people who are older is probably not a physiological sensible thing to do. The paradox is if you consider athletes, it is completely different. They have flexible arterial systems that can accommodate any big change in cardiac output. Elderly people cannot because they have stiff aortas and consequently they are going to get a wide pulse pressure. 

    <International Circulation>:  Now that we see this direct renin inhibitor, aliskiren, does this add any additional consideration?


    Prof.Williams: At the moment, I think the data for aliskiren is very preliminary and we are only just getting results from trials. They have been brave enough to put central blood pressure measurements into the studies and what is coming out is really quite fascinating. As well as lowering blood pressure, this drug appears to be having an effect on aortic pressure which is disproportionately large compared to the effect on brachial pressure and if that is sustained then we have a drug which lowers central pressure very well.


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