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[ASH2012]动态血压监测的临床应用价值——ASH继任主席William B. White教授专访

作者:W.B.White 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/5/29 11:02:37    加入收藏
 关键字:动态血压监测 ASH主席 W. B.White 

  <International Circulation>: What is it you hope to accomplish in your tenure as the new ASH President?
  Prof. White:  It’s a pleasure to be able to speak to you here at the 27th Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension. Actually for the last two years, as President-elect of the Society and an Officer of the Board of Directors, I have already been involved with the development of our annual scientific meeting. I have been the Program Chair for both the 2011 and 2012 meetings. This of course is where we showcase a great deal of what is new and evolving in the world of hypertension and its complications and its comorbidities. We try very hard, and I will continue to do this as the President of the Society, to foster relationships with other medical societies including the National Lipid Association, the American Society of Nephrology, and the International Society for Hypertension and so forth. Many of these groups we are holding joint sessions with here. In addition, we have a number of educational initiatives that I would like to pursue and grow while I am President. These are things that can actually be done live with an audience, or could be done on a web-based style program in which clinicians could get continuing medical education credits for their review and work with our programs. Finally, a great thing that I am interested personally in doing for the Society is to grow our membership as it pertains to younger people. We do need to get Fellows and new faculty in hypertension and cardiovascular medicine centers to take part in what we do otherwise we will be just be a bunch of old guys. We really need to get new blood in here. That is something I am very interested in. We formed an American Society of Hypertension Research and Education Foundation to try and start raising funds to support clinical and research fellowships in the field of hypertension.


  <International Circulation>: Clinical blood pressure measurements can be affected by any number of things in the clinic but it is still used as a diagnostic criterion in clinical practice and guidelines. Do you think that ambulatory blood pressure monitoring will replace that in the future?
  Prof. White:  I don’t think it will replace it because it is a little bit too cumbersome and costly to replace clinical measurements. But that said, the clinical measurements that have been utilized in the clinical trials that determine how we decide what we are going to do or not in the management of hypertension, have a numbers of fallacies and faults. For example, a single measurement in time or even duplicate measurements in time in a clinical environment may or may not be representative of what is happening in the real life of that patient. Patients sometimes have a much lower blood pressure in the doctor’s office than when they are at work, or vice versa, they have a much higher blood pressure in the doctor’s office than when they are at home. It is a little difficult to guide therapy when you are only looking at that one point in time. I think the clinical blood pressure helps get us started with the diagnosis and the management of our patients but it shouldn’t be the end. We really need to have much more self-management with home blood pressure devices; that would be another great step. And when it gets to the point where we really feel uncomfortable with the diagnosis and the level, that is where ambulatory monitor will really help. The good news is that many consensus groups and organizations that make important recommendations for the management of cardiovascular disease have been very strong proponents for using ambulatory blood pressures more often.


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