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[ACC2009]Suzanne Oparil教授和张维忠教授对话高血压治疗
高血压视频 作者未知 编辑:张家程 时间:2009/4/17 19:44:00    加入收藏

International Circulation: First of all I’d like to thank Dr. Suzanne Oparil at joining us today at ACC 2009 and also Dr. Zhang a great pleasure to have you here from Shanghai. The first question I would like to ask is can you talk a little bit about what is the status about the updated JNC 8 guidelines, Dr. Oparil? 《国际循环》:首先我要感谢Suzanne Oparil博士和张维忠教授能在2009年ACC会议上接受我们的访问,很高兴张维忠教授从上海来到这里。Oparil博士,我要问您的第一个问题是,您能谈一下有关JNC8指南的最新情况吗?

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