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[AHA2011]循证医学与动脉粥样硬化的多元危险因素评估——Allan Sniderman教授专访

作者:AllanSniderman 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/16 19:22:40    加入收藏
 关键字:循证医学 动脉粥样硬化 危险因素评估 Allan Sniderman 

    <International Circulation>:   Could you outline for the readers in China who can’t make it to this year’s AHA why you think multivariate risk assessment is not ideal?

    Prof.Sniderman:  It considers too short a period of time.  Atherosclerosis develops over decades and by the time people are 35 or 40 years old a lot of people have a very significant amount of disease.  That disease is going to progress over the next 10-20 years.  The multivariable model will kick in when events become common but by that time the artery is already grossly diseased, so by that time the real potential benefit is much less than starting earlier, before the artery had become a calcified mass with scar and neovascularization.  There is no returning that kind of vessel back to normal.  At that stage we can dramatically reduce the risk with treatment but the majority of the risk remains.  Reducing risk by 30-40%, 60-70% remains.  I believe that with earlier treatment we could take risks down by 80%, although I can demonstrate this yet with data.

    <International Circulation>:   Why does multivariate calculation suggest that you should wait so long?

    Prof.Sniderman:  Because it was only done for 10 years.  If a patient is 40 it only covers the time until they are 50.

    <International Circulation>:   So the real thing we need to do is just extend the time of the calculations.

    Prof.Sniderman:  That is correct.  If you do that, because in our populations approximately half of the population will have a vascular event, what does prediction mean?  When every other person will have an event, what does prediction mean?  The problem is so common and the fallibility of any model so real, that when you have someone who is deviant and recognize a cause unlike the norm, then that justifies early treatment.  I’m not suggesting treating everyone when they are 35 years old, nor advocating putting drugs in drinking water.  

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