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[ASH2012]解读继发性高血压的相关问题——美国North Carolina大学Chapel Hill分校家庭医学部Anthony J. Viera教授专访

作者:A.J.Viera 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/5/24 16:33:31    加入收藏
 关键字:继发性高血压 睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 A.J.Viera 

  <International Circulation>:One of the causes of secondary hypertension is sleep apnea. In the clinic, how can the physician improve their diagnosis rate of sleep apnea?
  Prof. Viera: One strategy would be to formally test for it using clinical measures such as the Epworth Sleepiness Scale which is a brief questionnaire which asks patients how sleepy they are in certain situations during the day and it gives the clinician a clue that this patient may have excessive daytime sleepiness which implies that they may not be getting good quality sleep. That is the first strategy. The second is to not forget about it and if you remember to think about obstructive sleep apnea then in many settings a sleep study is not that far away or hard to get. That is the gold standard to make the diagnosis.


  <International Circulation>:And what is the most effective control once it has been diagnosed?
  Prof. Viera: Once obstructive sleep apnea has been identified, most patients can be managed with continuous positive airway pressure or CPAP, the device worn at night. That actually not only helps the patient get a better night’s sleep and not have the apneic episodes that disrupt sleep, but it also helps lower their blood pressure. In patients with resistant hypertension for instance, one of the common causes of making the blood pressure more difficult to control is undiagnosed and/or untreated sleep apnea. Some patients are resistant to wearing the device so compliance is an issue. So emphasizing that it is not only about good quality sleep but about preventing damage to their heart might get people’s attention. They may say I can’t tolerate this so I will just suffer and be sleepy and not wear this mask. If you explain to them that it is doing damage to their heart and that they may be able to control their blood pressure without adding additional medications and that it may prevent long-term sequelae, then that may motivate some patients to wearing CPAP. For others, there are alternative treatments depending on the cause of the obstructive sleep apnea. There are palatal surgeries that can be done to create a more patent airway assuming the patient meets the criteria for that surgery.


  <International Circulation>:What is the best way to evaluate the risk for secondary hypertension in a simple way?
  Prof. Viera: The simplest strategy is one we published in a journal called the American Family Physician last year or the year before. That strategy is to have an age-based approach to it. The prevalence of secondary hypertension and its etiology varies by age group. If you have a young child, the prevalence of secondary hypertension is higher than for a middle-aged adult and the etiologies are different. The same causes of secondary hypertension in children are commonly not the same ones that are causing secondary hypertension in a middle-aged adult. Using that kind of strategy, one can think about the most common etiologies of secondary hypertension by age group and consider testing in a rational way based on the most common etiologies. I like this because it avoids doing all the tests at once and wasting resources.


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