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[ASH2010]Amlodipine:An Attractive partner---- Dr.Myra Klienpeter专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/5/21 12:44:00    加入收藏
 关键字:Myra Klienpeter ASH2010 

    Myra Klienpeter:我住在美国新奥尔良州的乡村,那里的平均盐摄入量可能是美国其他地区的两倍。我们首先教育公众要尽量不吃快餐,不要向食物中添加盐,杜绝食用加工食品。你知道,美国人群的盐摄入量太高了。如果我们能够减少包装食品中的盐添加量,就能显著减少心血管事件。因此我们让患者去看营养师,由营养师为他们制定对心血管有益的低钠和低饱和脂肪酸的健康食谱,这也是降压治疗的一部分。

    <International Circulation>:  How successful have you been in encouraging people to adopt a lower sodium diet?
    Dr Myra Klienpeter:I am located in a part of the country in New Orleans where the average salt intake is probably double compared to the rest of the country. We start off by telling people to avoid the fast food; don’t add salt to your food and eliminating processed foods as well.  As you know the salt intake is far too high in the U.S and if we are able to reduce it in our package foods we will have a significant reduction in cardiovascular events. So we send the patients to the dietician for a heart healthy low sodium low saturated fat diet as part of their whole strategy to lowering their blood pressure


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