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[GWICC2010]冠脉易损斑块的鉴别—— Eckart Fleck教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/10/19 13:51:19    加入收藏
 关键字:冠脉易损斑块    CT   IVUS   OCT 

    <International Circulation>: You gave a presentation on the use of CT, MRI, IVUS and OCT for the detection of coronary vulnerable plaque. Do you have a preference for a particular modality and why?
    Prof Eckhart Fleck: The preference for the future I think is the modality which is able to image the complete wall. Momentarily, I regard the MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) as the modality of choice because you do not expose patients to radiation because you do not need x-rays. In addition it has a high resolution and you can combine it with other agents that directly bind to compounds and then to specific receptors allowing you to really image locally inflammation and actions which may take place in the vessel wall.


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